Icestone Gelato.
Hi lovelies.
So I'm loving lifestyle blog posts recently. I think because it's summer everyone seems to be going on cute and fun days out which makes great blog posts for us to read! (Well I know I enjoy them anyway.) So I thought I'd write a little lifestyle/foodie post myself and share with you a great place I've been fangirling over.
I recently made two trips to a new ice cream parlour 'Icestone Gelato' in my home town Huddersfield. Yikes, two trips in two weeks...goodbye summer bikini body 2016. Hello to my delicious treats, ice cream and cookie filled food baby.
Icestone Gelato is basically a dessert dream. It sells ice-cream, hot cookie dough, waffles, crepes, cakes, name it. The store itself is super cute and the staff are really friendly. With it's pink cushioned booths and modern hanging lights, it's impossible not to take about a thousand snapchats all in one sitting.
On my first visit I ordered a cookie sundae and woooowwwwww it was INCREDIBLE.
Here is a lil' polaroid of me looking very smug just before I delve into the chocolaty goodness.
Because my boyfriend and I were so impressed, we went back for a second visit the week after. This time I went for a hot cookie with nutella and strawberries.
Are you drooling yet?...Because I am.
If your mouth is watering that much that you need to make an emergency trip to get a dessert into your belly then there's currently stores in Huddersfield, Bradford and Birmingham. However, they are also opening stores in Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool. Icestone Gelato is taking over the world, and that's absolutely fantastic.
Claire ♡