Organised Obsession
I'm obsessed with being organised.
I don't think I could walk into any shop without having a nosy through all the cute notebooks and stationary.
After my little shopping trip the other day, I have decided that The Works is my new, go-to place to buy adorable notebooks. AND LET ME SHOW YOU WHY.
It took me until the end of January to find the perfect 2017 diary for me, but it was definitely worth the wait.
I bought an a4 black diary which on the front reads:
Cards to post,
birthdays to cheer,
dates to remember,
throughout the year.
Memories, meetings,
things you must do,
just make a note,
to remind you.
I also got a new journal to jot down all my irrelevant and wild late night ideas I have for blogs posts or poems or uni work. It says "words of wisdom" on the front so it kind of makes me feel all important, and one of those profesh bloggers. Maybe I should start drinking tea and coffee to feel more sophisticated and blogger-ish. Heh.
The journal has quotes running throughout so I'm just going to show you a few of my faves that put a smile on my face. (n'aw.)
Luckily, these were both in the sale at £4 each. YES TO THE WORKS. YES TO A SALE. YES TO PRETTY NOTEBOOKS THAT MAKE ME FEEL ORGANISED.
Claire ♡