Hello lovelies.
For this blog post I have partnered up with the fabulous Bidvine,
a website and app that makes hiring local services and professionals ridiculously simple.

I haven't posted in a while so I was excited to finally fall back into my beloved routine of sitting behind my laptop screen, rambling onto you guys about my daily antics and adventures. 

As you might have seen from my social media posts, I have recently finished my Photography degree and will be graduating with a 2:1. CAN I GET A HELL YEAAAHHH?

It's been a tough three years but I have loved every second of University and would do it all over again if I could! (free pizza in freshers week? yes please.)

So, considering I've spent my last three years studying Photography, learning to love and hate certain cameras, and doing professional practise myself...I thought what better to do than write a blog post on Photography Tips?!

So get a hot chocolate at the ready, a notebook to write a few ideas, and...

1) Get to know your camera. 
Whether this is a brand new DSLR, a trendy olympus pen, an old fashioned film camera, or even your mobile phone...get to know it! Every camera is different. Learning about the different settings and techniques you can use is super important. The better you know your camera, the better the results will be!

2) Find inspiration.
Photography is a lot like creative writing. You can often get writers block / photography block. This is such a common thing and there's nothing better than doing a bit of research to get your creative mind flowing! Inspiration is key. I find that Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr usually gives me lots of ideas and really encourages me to pick up my camera.

3) Practise makes perfect.
This saying couldn't be more true!

4) Ask your friends to model for you.
I practised my photography skills by using my friends as the subject in the image. This way you can relax a lot more and also have so much more fun during the photo shoot!

5) The sun is your best friend.
Natural lighting is AMAZING. Photographs always look better when they're well lit, bright, and just have that happy and warm tone to them. Whenever it's a sunny day head out with your camera and capture those pretty shots whilst the sun is shining!

So, there you have it, my 5 main tips to up your Photography game!

If you liked these tips and want to know even more about Photography, why not book some Photography Lessons with Bidvine?

Bidvine is a website that allows you to search for different services super fast (and it's also really easy!) - all you do is type in what you're looking for and it will ask you a number of questions. After you've completed the form it will send you a list of the best results it can offer you. This saves effort, time, and money!

As well as Photography lessons, Bidvine offers a range of services such as event photographers, painters, decorators, personal trainers and much much more! I would recommend this website to pretty much everyone! (Especially busy aka lazy people like me who just don't have the time to be sat all day searching for the right service that suits your needs and requirements.)

The website is such a smart, easy to use and reliable platform so give it a go and let me know what you think in the comments below! PS, I hope you found my Photography tips helpful!


This post was sponsored by Bidvine. All views are 100% my own!

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