Get your dress on | PLT


Okay, so I've finally stopped hyperventilating over the fact that Pretty Little Thing sent me a parcel full of dresses to do a blog collaboration with them. Like...WAIT WHAT. Pretty Little Thing are one of my all time FAVE shops, so this is just unreal for me. (YAY).

Since it's Summer over here in Australia, having a wardrobe filled with dresses is basically a MUST. I was pleased to discover that there's a PLT in Australia, so delivery is super easy and I can still get my sassy fix of gorgeous clothes even when I'm travelling. 

Having the honour of choosing some dresses to get sent out to me made me go out of my comfort zone and try some dresses that I wouldn't usually wear. And y'know what?...It was so refreshing, and gave me a huge confidence boost! So I really recommend scrolling through their dresses section, and just GOING FOR IT

Do you gurl, do you.

So, without further a-do, here are the dresses I chose! Oh, and I apologise for the phone pics, taking back to the old skool UNO. (I'll leave the camera SD card tale for another day, soz.)

I'm literally in love with these dresses! Thanks PLT xoxo

Which one is your fave?

Let me know in the comments below.


* Gifted items in return for blog post.

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