My Final year of University - GOALS

In September I will be starting my third and final year of University.
The first two years of my studies have been one giant blur. That's partly because of how chaotic the work load has been, partly because I spend most of my time looking through a camera view finder, and partly because I've been drunk 99% of the time. (Yes, I can still achieve a high 2:1 when all I think about during my lectures is which much-too-short dress I'll be wearing for the upcoming night out, and how much alcohol to buy.) Oh, priorities.

So, to prepare for my final year and to try and look like I have my life together, here is my list of goals (and lots of cute pictures to go with them.) I have written these to motivate myself so I can graduate with a fabulous degree and start working for the glamorous lifestyle that I'm destined to have. (ha.)

1) Remind myself of why I came to University in the first place.
Yes, getting so drunk I pass out on the bathroom floor and shoving pizza down my throat the next day is all well and good, but is that the real reason why I came to uni? I mean yes...but also no. The typical University lifestyle is an absolute blast, but I also want to do really well and get the highest grade that I can achieve. I'm going to stick motivational quotes around my room, and make little mood boards of pictures to remind myself of where I want to be in a couple of years time.

2) Make lots of time for my boyfriend and friends.
It's so hard when everyone is busy and we all have our own social and work lives to balance in too, but I'm going to try and make as much time for my loved ones that I possibly can. When we all graduate we'll be going to completely different places all over the world so the time we have together needs to be savored.

Okay, so this point is a bit of a fib. I'm very organised (yay for cute planners and notebooks) but I'M SO GOD DAMN MESSY. As we all know, a tidy room is a tidy I'm going to try my absolute best not to accidentally collect a "floordrobe" and find myself using my bed as a dumping ground. I promise.

4) Apply for insane amounts of jobs.
This is a very important one! I'm going to start applying for jobs as soon as I can. The ideal situation is that I have a job to enter as soon as I graduate. I pride myself on my determination and ambition, so I'm going to make it happen. AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME.

I don't even need to go into details with this one. Just save money. SAVE IT OKAY?!

6) Continue to get very drunk.
Although I will be getting my head down and doing my best to get good grades, I still want to get very drunk. I love dancing the night away with no care in the world. And after uni when we have full time jobs and boring adulting to do, going out clubbing just won't be an option. (Although don't put it past me and my crazy friends.)

7) Organise my time.
I'm actually only timetabled in at Uni for 2 days a week. This leaves me a LOT of free time. However I'm going to dedicate different days for different tasks. For example, a Wednesday is going to be my Dissertation day. Yay, more organising and more lists.

8) Keep blogging.
I haven't actually been studying at the same time as I began to properly blog. I started blogging in April (which by this time I'd already finished second year) so it's going to be a challenge to balance all my work with writing posts. But it's something I want to do, and therefore something I WILL do. Don't worry guys, you can't get rid of me THAT quickly. Jeesh.

9) Attend every single lesson that I'm supposed to.
Okaaaay okay, so I say this every year. And fail this every year. But y'know, I can aim high.

I'm already planning on going interrailing with my boyfriend when we graduate EEE. I think it's so important to make plans for when you graduate because BY GOD do we deserve a break. It will have been a tough three years and there's nothing more that I want to do than get out there and have fun.

So that's my list of goals. Are any of you starting your final year of University? Or have you already graduated?! Let me know of any goals or advice you might have!


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