Back in the blogging game

Hello to my lovely lovely readers. (That's if there's any of you left.)
It's been OVER A MONTH since I wrote a blog post on here. Yes, slap on the wrist to me.

But I'M BACK. With a bang, or a puff of smoke...or more realistically, sat behind my laptop sipping on my summer fruits oasis which FYI, I'm obsessing over right now.

I've been so distant on my blog recently which is really upsetting. *sad face emoji*
I've been finding it hard to find the time to write in between my final year of uni, my job, learning to drive, and of course partying around 3 times a week. Oops. 

But this blog means everything to me and I'm determined to get back on track!

So here's what I plan to do!

Assign one day of the week where I write, write, and write some more.
Every Thursday I'm going to dedicate time to writing posts. Thursday is the day after student night, so it's my hangover day, which is PERFECT for snuggling up in bed with unlimited fizzy drinks to bosh out a few blog posts here and there.

Spend one night a week commenting on blog posts.
I love reading blogs. I love commenting on them.
So why don't I do it more often!?

Stay in touch with brands.
Working with different, fabulous brands is one of my favourite things about blogging. It's even better when you keep in touch, exchange a few emails and share each others photographs on social media every so often. This not only is just a nice thing in general, but it also shows how dedicated and loyal you are to your collabs!

Buy some blog props.
I am CRAVING a mini shopping trip where I pick up some lil' goodies for my blog pictures. I am constantly lusting over blog props, cute patterned papers for backgrounds and anything insta worthy to take a quick snap of. I NEED THESE THINGS IN MY LIFE.
(If you have any suggestions then please drop me a comment!)

Make another youtube video!
I've posted two youtube videos so far, and y'know what? They actually received great feedback! This really surprised me and genuinely made me smile. So I'd love to continue with this and make the time to record some footage! Vlogs, Q&A videos, tags, name it and I'm so down for it. 

Can you think of any other good ways to get back into the blogging game?
Thanks for sticking around if you're still following me and my little internet adventure.
I promise not to disappoint anymore!


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