10 tips for moving in with your BOO

I've lived pretty independently for about 4 to 5 years now (since the day I stepped out of my old home and packed my bags to head to uni)...even when I graduated I was living with my boyfriend and then went straight on my travels. I literally cannot imagine it any other way. I like living by my own rules. Do what I want, when I want. Eat what I want, decorate how I want, sleep when I want, shout when I want, sing when I want, get insanely drunk when I want, shop when I want, lie in my underwear watching storage wars when I want. You know, the standard. It's pretty fab tbh.

But what's it actually like moving in with your boyfriend?
Is it a big deal? Is it just a casual kinda thing? 

I practically started living with Luke just after a few months of seeing him. (Uni kind of does that to you though...you just kind of end up staying together 24/7) but when we made the decision to travel to Australia and then move to Hong Kong it was kind of final. Like oh, I'm actually LIVING with this guy. I gotta see his face every god damn morning and ever god damn night. (yay) ((actual yay though))

I mean, we aren't at the stage where we're BUYING a house...maybe a good few years to go until that stepping stone! But living together is super lovely, but also has a few bumps in the road.

Whether you're in your twenties like me, or even older and moving in with someone new...maybe even dipping your toes into the online dating scene but have met someone you've fallen head over heels for. These points apply to everyone! (I hope)
If you are a little older and are testing out online dating then you should check out these dating sites:

over 50's dating
sugar mummy dating

Here are my 10 tips for moving in with your BOO.

1) Adapt to the change.
Moving in with your partner can be a huge shock to the system. It can be compleeetely different to what it was like before. When you're dating and you go for the cute lil' sleepover and you're like OMG GURLS WHAT PYJAMAS SHALL I WEAR XOXO it can be super new and exciting. You want to look cute, you want to look your best. But that can all change once you move in together. It can be quite difficult to put effort into your appearance literally 24/7. I'm not saying that as soon as you move in together, the effort stops. I'm just saying...the side you usually would hide is basically right up on a billboard now. No hiding the period break out spots anymore huns.

2) Prepare to see each other's not-so-sweet side.
People get grumpy. People wake up on the wrong side of bed. You're going to bicker. That's totally normal and everybody has their flaws. You've just got to get used to being face to face with their bad traits. (Of course there's so many good sides too)

3) Share friends! 
Honestly, I think putting effort in with your boyfriend/girlfriends best pals is something really important. Why would you not want to get on with each others friends? It's so nice being able to invite a big group of people over and everyone just get on. You can all sit there drinking wine and chatting about your new jobs and pretending you're the best adult to ever walk the planet. Lolz, total jokes.

4) Talk about money.
Money is a huge factor when moving in together. Decide if you're going to share money or keep separate accounts. Make a plan on how to pay for rent and bills. Be honest about any debt or savings you might have. Try and save together! Discuss your financial plans, be open! Being real about money and communicating well can be a huge weight lifted. 

5) Organise date nights or special days out.
Being constantly cooped up in a flat or house can get quite intense at times. You've forever got your home personality on. Organising special dates can be that time when you put that little extra effort in and let your hair down a bit. Me and Luke have a little rule that we only talk about work or any stresses we might have when we're at home. Once we get out on our planned adventure or evening date then we want to talk about positive things. I find this is a really nice way to do things and makes me always look forward to having that quality time with him.

6) Decorate your home together! 
This part can be really exciting (and also fun!) We're in a tiiiinyyyy rented flat in Hong Kong (trust me, it's SMALL) so we can't actually fully decorate it but we still try and make it ours. Shopping for little things (or even surprising him with homely buys) is a great way to settle into your new place. 

7) Break the rules!
Eat your dinner at midnight. Spill all your breakfast in bed. Hang your washing all over the furniture in your front room. Buy a TV that you probably can't afford but get it anyway because THE SCREEN, JUST LOOK AT THAT SCREEN.

8) Learn to forgive.
Communication and forgiveness is essential when living together. I think if you have a giant problem then it needs to be spoken about. I'm not saying be a pushover, but forgiving and moving on can work wonders.

9) Find a series you both really enjoy.
There's nothing better than snuggling up and laughing at your fave TV show together. It's the simple things in life right?

10) Cook for each other!
I don't know what it is, but a meal that my boyfriend cooks for me tastes 10x better than anything else. It's just so nice to see effort being put in. And the same goes the other way round! When you cook for someone it's such a satisfying feeling when they enjoy it.

Also, enjoy that photo of me and Luke. Considering it's a post about YA BOO then it'd be rude not to include his lovely face.

There's my tips for moving in with your loved one! Comment below if you have any tips to share with me because I'm still learning and am always looking to be a better girlfriend and house mate. (I'm messy, and lazy...and...ok this could take a while so i'ma stop there.)

As this post is a collab with the lovely Raging Ventures LTD then please check out their sites that help people find friendships and relationships online. Especially for the people who are trying online dating later on in their life. It's never too late to find your match! You never know, you could be moving in with someone before you know it.

Hope you enjoyed my tips!

All my love,


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